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Saturday, November 12, 2016

How To: Drag and Drop Files/Folders to Git Hub Web

1) Create GitHub Account.
2) Create a new project or repository.

3) In the new repository window, set the following:
3.1. Type repository name.
3.2. Select "Initialize this repository with a README". (This is compulsory)
3.3. Click the "Create repository" button.

4) You would be able to see the upload button for that repository.

5) Drag and drop the files into the window.

6) When you are done, click "Commit changes" button.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Google Sheet Data CRUD + App Script + jQuery + objDB

Google Sheet Data CRUD + App Script +  jQuery + objDB

However, for CRUD operations, it uses objDB Library (read here).

The codes are still in development. All functions are working but not extensively tested.

<script  data-cfasync="false" src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<form id="formCreate" >
   <h3>Create Record</h3>
   <p><label for="name">Name:</label>
   <input id="name" name="name" type="text" value="" /></p>
   <p><label for="comment">Comment:</label><br/>
   <textarea id="comment" name="comment" cols="40"></textarea></p>
   <input type="hidden" name="action" value="create">
   <p id="result"></p>
   <input type="submit" value="Create" />
<form id="formRetrieve" >
 <h3>Retrieve Records</h3>
   <input type="hidden" name="action" value="retrieve">  
   <input id="btnRetrieve" type="submit" value="Retrieve" />
<table id="datatable" border='1'>
 <div id="messageRetrieve"></div>
<form id="formUpdate" >
   <h3>Update Record</h3>
   <p><label for="tid">TID:</label>
   <input id="tid" name="tid" type="text" value="" disabled="true"/></p>  
   <p><label for="name">Name:</label>
   <input id="name" name="name" type="text" value="" /></p>
   <p><label for="comment">Comment:</label><br/>
   <textarea id="comment" name="comment" cols="40"></textarea></p>
   <input type="hidden" name="action" value="update">
   <input type="submit" value="Update" />
   <p id="messageUpdate"></p>
<form id="formDelete" >
     <h3>Delete Record</h3>
     <p><label for="dtid">TID:</label>
   <input id="dtid" name="tid" type="text" value="" disabled="true"/></p>  
   <p><label for="dname">Name:</label>
   <input id="dname" name="name" type="text" value="" disabled="true"/></p>  
   <input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete">
   <input type="submit" value="Delete" />
   <p id="messageDelete"></p>  


jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
   // variable to hold request
   var request;
   // bind to the submit event of our form
   $("#formCreate").submit(function(event) {
       // abort any pending request
       if (request) {
       // setup some local variables
       var $form = $(this);
       // let's select and cache all the fields
       var $inputs = $form.find("input, select, button, textarea");
       // serialize the data in the form
       var serializedData = $form.serialize();

       // let's disable the inputs for the duration of the ajax request
       // Note: we disable elements AFTER the form data has been serialized.
       // Disabled form elements will not be serialized.
       $inputs.prop("disabled", true);
       $('#result').text('Sending data...');

       // fire off the request to /form.php
       request = $.ajax({
           url: "https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbyRSm1mcIhcehIYg7YaUlLILgpx7bv0z_B8ry6ebDiTqeoPQ3E/exec",
           type: "post",
           data: serializedData

       // callback handler that will be called on success
       request.done(function(response, textStatus, jqXHR) {
           // log a message to the console
           $('#result').html('<a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aRNbMHyhUuXOVAWhw5enBIptceKTTJckW1LJPBw3fhA?usp=sharing" target="_blank">Success - see Google Sheet</a>');

       // callback handler that will be called on failure
       request.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
           // log the error to the console
               "The following error occured: " +
               textStatus, errorThrown

       // callback handler that will be called regardless
       // if the request failed or succeeded
       request.always(function() {
           // reenable the inputs
           $inputs.prop("disabled", false);

       // prevent default posting of form

   $("#formRetrieve").submit(function(event) {
       // abort any pending request
       if (request) {
       // setup some local variables
       var $form = $(this);
       // let's select and cache all the fields
       var $inputs = $form.find("input, select, button, textarea");
       // serialize the data in the form
       var serializedData = $form.serialize();

       // let's disable the inputs for the duration of the ajax request
       // Note: we disable elements AFTER the form data has been serialized.
       // Disabled form elements will not be serialized.
       $inputs.prop("disabled", true);
       $('#messageRetrieve').text('Requesting data...');

       // fire off the request to /form.php
       request = $.ajax({
           url: "https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbyRSm1mcIhcehIYg7YaUlLILgpx7bv0z_B8ry6ebDiTqeoPQ3E/exec",
           type: "post",
           data: serializedData

       // callback handler that will be called on success
       request.done(function(response, textStatus, jqXHR) {
           // log a message to the console
           $('#result').html('<a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PIJYBTjol_tEBuJMk5YvTRiePzqkdLMlRaZsEpC_ljg?usp=sharing" target="_blank">Success - see Google Sheet</a>');
           var data = response.values;

           var trHTML = "";

           trHTML = "<tr><th>Delete</th><th>Edit</th>";
           $.each(data[0], function(key, value) {
               trHTML += "<th>" + key + "</th>";
           trHTML += "</tr>";

           $.each(data, function(key, item) {
               var tdHTML = "";
               tdHTML += "<td><button onclick='recordDelete(this)' >delete</button></td>";
               tdHTML += "<td><button onclick='recordEdit(this)' >edit</button></td>";
               $.each(item, function(key, value) {
                   tdHTML += "<td>" + value + "</td>";
               trHTML += "<tr>" + tdHTML + "</tr>";

           //append records to table element

       // callback handler that will be called on failure
       request.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
           // log the error to the console
               "The following error occured: " +
               textStatus, errorThrown

       // callback handler that will be called regardless
       // if the request failed or succeeded
       request.always(function() {
           // reenable the inputs
           $inputs.prop("disabled", false);

       // prevent default posting of form

   $("#formUpdate").submit(function(event) {
       // abort any pending request
       if (request) {
       // setup some local variables
       var $form = $(this);
       // let's select and cache all the fields
       var $inputs = $form.find("input, select, button, textarea");
       // serialize the data in the form
       var serializedData = $form.serialize();

       // let's disable the inputs for the duration of the ajax request
       // Note: we disable elements AFTER the form data has been serialized.
       // Disabled form elements will not be serialized.
       $inputs.prop("disabled", true);
       $('#messageUpdate').text('Updating data...');

       // fire off the request to /form.php
       request = $.ajax({
           url: "https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbyRSm1mcIhcehIYg7YaUlLILgpx7bv0z_B8ry6ebDiTqeoPQ3E/exec",
           type: "post",
           data: serializedData

       // callback handler that will be called on success
       request.done(function(response, textStatus, jqXHR) {
           // log a message to the console
           $('#result').html('<a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PIJYBTjol_tEBuJMk5YvTRiePzqkdLMlRaZsEpC_ljg?usp=sharing" target="_blank">Success - see Google Sheet</a>');

       // callback handler that will be called on failure
       request.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
           // log the error to the console
               "The following error occured: " +
               textStatus, errorThrown

       // callback handler that will be called regardless
       // if the request failed or succeeded
       request.always(function() {
           // reenable the inputs
           $inputs.prop("disabled", false);

       // prevent default posting of form

   $("#formDelete").submit(function(event) {
       // abort any pending request
       if (request) {
       // setup some local variables
       var $form = $(this);
       // let's select and cache all the fields
       var $inputs = $form.find("input, select, button, textarea");
       // serialize the data in the form
       var serializedData = $form.serialize();

       // let's disable the inputs for the duration of the ajax request
       // Note: we disable elements AFTER the form data has been serialized.
       // Disabled form elements will not be serialized.
       $inputs.prop("disabled", true);
       $('#messageDelete').text('Deleting data...');

       // fire off the request to /form.php
       request = $.ajax({
           url: "https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbyRSm1mcIhcehIYg7YaUlLILgpx7bv0z_B8ry6ebDiTqeoPQ3E/exec",
           type: "post",
           data: serializedData

       // callback handler that will be called on success
       request.done(function(response, textStatus, jqXHR) {
           // log a message to the console
           $('#result').html('<a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PIJYBTjol_tEBuJMk5YvTRiePzqkdLMlRaZsEpC_ljg?usp=sharing" target="_blank">Success - see Google Sheet</a>');

       // callback handler that will be called on failure
       request.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
           // log the error to the console
               "The following error occured: " +
               textStatus, errorThrown

       // callback handler that will be called regardless
       // if the request failed or succeeded
       request.always(function() {
           // reenable the inputs
           $inputs.prop("disabled", false);

       // prevent default posting of form


function recordEdit(param) {
   var arrRecord = [];
   $(param).closest('tr').find('td').not(':first').each(function() {
       //var textval = $(this).text();
   $("#formUpdate #tid").val(arrRecord[1]);
   $("#formUpdate #name").val(arrRecord[3]);
   $("#formUpdate #comment").val(arrRecord[4]);
   //window.location.hash = '#formUpdate';
   // var formUpdate = document.getElementById ("formUpdate");

function recordDelete(param) {
   var arrRecord = [];
   $(param).closest('tr').find('td').not(':first').each(function() {
       //var textval = $(this).text();
   $("#formDelete #dtid").val(arrRecord[1]);
   $("#formDelete #dname").val(arrRecord[3]);
   //window.location.hash = '#formUpdate';
   // var formUpdate = document.getElementById ("formUpdate");

function resetForm() {
   $("#formUpdate tid").prop("disabled", true);
   $("#formDelete dtid").prop("disabled", true);
   $("#formUpdate dname").prop("disabled", true);


*  See http://googlescripts.harryonline.net/objdb for full documentation
var SHEET_NAME = "Sheet1";
var SCRIPT_PROP = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties(); // new property service

// If you don't want to expose either GET or POST methods you can comment out the appropriate function
function doGet(e) {
   return handleResponse(e);

function doPost(e) {
   return handleResponse(e);

function handleResponse(e) {
   // shortly after my original solution Google announced the LockService[1]
   // this prevents concurrent access overwritting data
   // [1] http://googleappsdeveloper.blogspot.co.uk/2011/10/concurrency-and-google-apps-script.html
   // we want a public lock, one that locks for all invocations
   var lock = LockService.getPublicLock();
   lock.waitLock(30000); // wait 30 seconds before conceding defeat.

   try {
       var action = e.parameter.action;

       if (action == 'create') {
           return addRecord(e);
       } else if (action == 'retrieve') {
           return getRecords(e);
       } else if (action == 'find') {
           return findRecords(e);
       } else if (action == 'update') {
           return setRecord(e);
       } else if (action == 'delete') {
           return delRecord(e);
   } catch (e) {
       // if error return this
       return ContentService
               "result": "error",
               "error": e
   } finally { //release lock

function addRecord(e) {
   var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SCRIPT_PROP.getProperty("key"));
   ssDB = objDB.open(ss.getId());
   var d = new Date();

   var rowCount = objDB.insertRow(ssDB, SHEET_NAME, {
       tid: d.getTime(),
       Timestamp: d,
       name: e.parameter.name,
       comment: e.parameter.comment
   return ContentService
           "result": "success",
           "values": rowCount

function getRecords() {
   var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SCRIPT_PROP.getProperty("key"));
   ssDB = objDB.open(ss.getId());
   rows = objDB.getRows(ssDB, SHEET_NAME);
   return ContentService
           "result": "success",
           "values": rows

function findRecords(e) {
   var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SCRIPT_PROP.getProperty("key"));
   ssDB = objDB.open(ss.getId());

   var jsonObj = {}; //declare a json object
   jsonObj[e.parameter.field] = e.parameter.value; //set json object key:value
   rows = objDB.getRows(ssDB, SHEET_NAME, [], jsonObj);
   return ContentService
           "result": "success",
           "values": rows

function setRecord(e) {
   var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SCRIPT_PROP.getProperty("key"));
   ssDB = objDB.open(ss.getId());
   var d = new Date();

   var rowCount = objDB.updateRow(ssDB, SHEET_NAME, {
       tid: d.getTime(),
       Timestamp: d,
       name: e.parameter.name,
       comment: e.parameter.comment
   }, {
       tid: e.parameter.tid
   return ContentService
           "result": "success",
           "values": rowCount

function delRecord(e) {
   var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SCRIPT_PROP.getProperty("key"));
   ssDB = objDB.open(ss.getId());
   var rowCount = objDB.deleteRow(ssDB, SHEET_NAME, {
       tid: e.parameter.tid
   return ContentService
           "result": "success",
           "values": rowCount

function setup() {
   var doc = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
   SCRIPT_PROP.setProperty("key", doc.getId());

