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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

VisualLogic: Generate codes from flowchart



Visual Logic provides a minimal-syntax introduction to essential programming concepts including variables, input, assignment, output, conditions, loops, procedures, arrays and files.  Based on research that shows students have more success when they start by focusing on concepts rather than syntax, Visual Logic allows instructors to present material in a clear and illustrated manner. Programming fundamentals are covered in an appropriate problem-solving context, empowering rather than overwhelming the student.

The Visual Logic approach is consistent with National Curriculum Models:
  • IS'97 (revised as IS 2001) provides model curriculum and guidelines for undergraduate degree programs in Information Systems. IS'97 topics for the programming course (IS'97.5) includes "algorithm development; objects and event driven representations; data flow notation; programming control structures; program correctness, verification, and validation." It is interesting to note that no specific language syntax is mentioned. This is consistent with our focus that skills, not syntax, should be the focus of an introductory programming course.
  • Computing Curricula 2001 (www.acm.org/sigcse/cc2001/). The CC2001 report includes a call for course designs of various types, including a minimal-syntax approach, described below:
    • "By introducing students to basic algorithmic concepts and constructs apart from any particular executable language, this approach minimizes the preoccupation with syntactic detail that demands for successful program execution typically engender among students. Instead, it requires that students reason about and explain the algorithms they construct...
    • "Once students have a solid grasp of the algorithmic foundations and the range of data and control structures [...], they can then move on to a more conventional language, either partway through the first course or, at the latest, the beginning of the second course. Because students have experienced a wider range of both data and control structures early, their later progress through conventional programming work can occur more rapidly and class time can be more explicitly focused on issues of effective programming practices and systematic debugging skills."

Proganimate: Generate Java Codes from Flowchart

Progranimate is a dynamic visualisation programming tool aimed at the novice programmer. Its aim is to make the initial stages of programming more palatable for the novice. Progranimate removes the complexities associated with novice exposure to professional development environments and the impact of writing syntax. This allows novices to focus solely on their key weakness, that of the algorithmic problem solving aspects of programming involving the basics of sequence selection and iteration.
A screenshot of Progranimate
A Screenshot of Progranimate.


Program Construction
Progranimate allows the users to construct a computer program via a flowchart based representation. The flowchart visualisations provide the novices with an accurate and useful mental model of the individual programming components and algorithms modelled.
Automatic Code Generation
Progranimate provides the novices with the ability to generate source code without being bogged down with the complexities of writing confusing and finicky syntax. Computer code is auto generated on the fly as components are added to a program. Progranimate can generate code in Java and Visual Basic with more languages planned for the future.
Code and Flowchart Highlighting
The highlighting of flowchart components and lines of code has been synchronised. This allows the user to draw a strong correlation between the flowchart and the textual code structure that such design would likely produce.
Program Animation
Programs can be animated with each step of a program being highlighted in turn in both the code and flowchart representations. Variables and array elements are visualised in the variable inspector. This allows the use to observe the effect that each program statement has on the values of the variables and arrays used. Progranimate's animation features and correlation it draws between the visual and code representations reinforce student understanding of both the visual solution and program statement flow
Online Integration
Progranimate can be used as a stand alone application. However, its can be integrated within a web page for concept demonstration, program demonstration or program creation. Progranimate can also be launched via Java web start. This means Progranimate can be used on any computer with internet access and the Java runtime environment. It also means Progranimate is an ideal centrepiece to an online tutorial involving the basics of programming for novices.
Learn more: http://www.progranimate.com/aboutProgranimate/aboutMain.html

RAPTOR: Flowchart-based programming environment

RAPTOR is a flowchart-based programming environment, designed specifically to help students visualize their algorithms and avoid syntactic baggage.  RAPTOR programs are created visually and executed visually by tracing the execution through the flowchart.  Required syntax is kept to a minimum.  Students prefer using flowcharts to express their algorithms, and are more successful creating algorithms using RAPTOR than using a traditional language or writing flowcharts without RAPTOR.
Click here to see a picture of RAPTOR.  For a paper describing the use of RAPTOR in a general education course, click here.


Where/how are you using RAPTOR?   I keep a list of what schools and universities are using RAPTOR and for what class.  This helps me plan future advancements.  Please email me and let me know.
Description: Description: Description: Download button NOTE! The installer was signed with a US Department of Defense certificate. You can get the root certificates from DoD Class 3 PKI Root Certificates
Portable Version
John Meir from Midlands Tech created a Portable App version (PortableApps.com). This allows RAPTOR to be used from a USB key or similar without installing. You can download the portable versionhere.

Learn to autogenerate Flow Chart to Codes:

Raptor Flowchart Tutorial For Beginners


Flowchart Interpreter



Build your program from scratch of flowcharts with comfortable and nice visual designer. Interpret resulting diagram to pure C++ code and run it just in the same environment. Flowcharts interpreter is best optimized solution for newbie programmers.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How to generate Java codes From Flowchart using Chart2Code

1) Download chart2code.exe from http://flowchart-to-code-generator.soft112.com/download.html and install it.

2) Run the program.

3) We will insert an IF control structure.
a) Right-click the word FILE in the Flowchart.
b) Click New IF in the popup menu.

c) You will get the following outcome:

4) We are going to generate codes from this flowchart.
a) Locate the Generate button (looks like a Play button)
b) There is a Programming Language Combo box besides the Generate button. By default, C/Cpp is selected. 

c) Change the language to Java.

d) Click the Generate button.
e) The program will automatically convert and show the generated codes.

How to generate C++ codes From Flowchart using Chart2Code

1) Download chart2code.exe from http://flowchart-to-code-generator.soft112.com/download.html and install it.

2) Run the program.

3) We will insert an IF control structure.
a) Right-click the word FILE in the Flowchart.
b) Click New IF in the popup menu.

c) You will get the following outcome:

4) We are going to generate codes from this flowchart.
a) Locate the Generate button (looks like a Play button)
b) There is a Programming Language Combo box besides the Generate button. By default, C/Cpp is selected. Leave it as it is.

c) Click the Generate button.
d) The program will automatically convert and show the generated codes.

How to draw Flowchart in Word 2003, 2007 and 2010

1) Microsoft Word provides a built-in symbol for users to draw flowcharts.
There is a slight difference between Word versions in terms of the way to get the Flowchart symbols. But once they are found, applying them into the document is relatively easy.

a) 2003

b) 2007

c) 2010

2) Regardless of versions, the way to use the Flowchart symbols is the same. Basically:
a) find the symbol that you need,
b) click that symbol, and
c) click on the part of the document that you want the symbol to be placed.

3) An example of a Flowchart drawn in Word is as below:

a) Put the Start symbol.
b) Put the process (rectangle) symbol.
c) Draw a connecting line between the symbols.
d) Repeat the same steps till the End symbol.
e) Select all symbols including the lines.
f) Right-hand click to get the context menu (as shown above).
g) Select the Group option to group the symbols and lines into one object.

104: JavaScript Alert and HTML Form

1) Create the folder structure: C:\Z\104JavaScriptAlert

2) Create the index.html file in the folder C:\Z\104JavaScriptAlert

3) Type the following codes into index.html file:
         function testResults (form) {
 var TestVar = form.inputbox.value;
 alert ("You typed: " + TestVar);
      <form name="myform" action="" method="get">
         Please type input values: <br/>
         <input type="text" name="inputbox" value=""/><br/>
         <input type="button" name="button" value="Click"
            onClick="testResults(this.form)" />

Look at the rows with blue bullets. These are the new codes introduced in this tutorial.

4) Open the index.html file using Chrome. (file:///C:/Z/104JavaScriptAlert/index.html)
Type "Hello" in the textbox.
Click the button labeled "Click".
You will get an Alert Window that says "You typed: Hello"

5) Summary:
a) This time the <script> tag has been inserted into the <head> part and not the <body> part.
b) At line no.5 ,i.e. within the <script> tag, there is a declaration statement for testResults() function. 
c) At line no.16, there is a function call for testResults() , i.e. when the user clicks the "Click" button, the computer will refer to line no.5 for further activities.
d) testResults() function will get the input value in the textbox and display the value in the Alert Window as shown above.  
e) At line no.6, the computer will create a variable (a type of memory) named TestVar which will keep the input value taken from the textbox.
f) At line no.7, the computer will display an Alert Window and output back the value kept by the TestVar variable.

Next, we will learn how to input numbers and perform arithmetic works.

103: JavaScript and HTML Form

1) Create the folder structure: C:\Z\103HtmlForm

2) Create the index.html file in the folder C:\Z\103HtmlForm

3) Type the following codes into index.html file:
      <form name="myform" action="" method="get">
         Please type input values: <br/>
         <input type="text" name="inputbox" value=""/><br/>
         <input type="button" name="button" value="Click"/>


4) Open the index.html file using Chrome. (file:///C:/Z/103HtmlForm/index.html)

5) Summary:
a) <form> allows user to give input values to computer for processing.
b) <input type="text".../> is used to get text or numbers.
c) <input type="button .../> is used to get Click input.

Next, we will learn the processing technique using JavaScript.

102: JavaScript Basics

1) Create the folder structure:  C:\Z\102HelloJavaScript

2) Create the index.html file in the folder 102HelloJavaScript

3) Type the following codes into index.html :
<h1>Hello JavaScript</h1>
<p>This is Hello JavaScript page.</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("<p>Today is " + Date() + "</p>");


4) Open the index.html file using Chrome. (file:///C:/Z/102HelloJavaScript/index.html)

5) Summary:
a) This file contains additional tag  <script>
b) <script> tag states that "type="text/javascript""
c) Line no.10 contains the Date() function that is executed during runtime. i.e., everytime the file is opened the Date() function will get the current date value. This makes this HTML file a "dynamic" page.

Next, we will get the input from the user via HTML Form.

101: HTML Basics

1) Create the folder structure: C:\Z\101HelloHtml

2) Create the index.html file in the 101HelloHtml folder 

3) Type the following codes into index.html
<h1>Hello Html</h1>
<p>This is Hello Html page.</p>

4) Open the index.html using Chrome. (file:///C:/Z/101HelloHtml/index.html)

5) Summary:
a) index.html contains two parts, i.e. i)<head> and ii)<body>
b) <head> part contains the reference for the Web Browser.
c) <body> part contains the information that will be displayed through the Web Browser window.
d) This type of html file is also called "static" page as the content is fixed throughout the "runtime" (runtime is a period during which a file/program is opened/executed by the computer)

Next, we will learn how to make the page "dynamic".

Monday, August 12, 2013

Flowchart to Code Generator

Flowchart to Code Generator is a great automatic coding tool for software engineers. It can help software engineers to design the program with a flowchart, and then convert the flowchart into source code automatically. With Flowchart to Code Generator, software engineers will save much time than coding manually. Flowchart to Code Generator supports to convert flowchart to /C++/ C#/Java/JavaScript/Delphi projects. This means Flowchart to Code Generator can not only be used for desktop software engineering, but also be used for web app development and Android App development.

Flowchart to Code Generator integrates a flowchart designer and a source code converter. You can draw the program in flowchart designer with preset elegant charts and components. The flowchart will be able to export or print for preview. Then you can generate the source code by the flowchart in source code converter, and you will get the entire project done in seconds!

Flowchart to Code Generator has the following features:
* Convert flowchart to code automatically;
* Supports to export to C/C++/ C#/Java/JavaScript/Delphi projects;
* Intelligent program flowchart designer;
* Rich and elegant preset charts and components;
* “Draw” the program directly;
* Create source code for Android App, Web App and desktop program directly;
* Easy to handle (even you’re not savvy in coding!).

If you are looking for an intelligent programming tool which can help you to generate the source code in seconds, you should never miss AthTek Flowchart to Code Generator. It will at least and absolutely save much time in the software engineering, and free you out of the tedious coding on keyboard. With Flowchart to Code Generator, whatever you can imagine you can make it true!