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Thursday, June 1, 2017

102B Ionic Framework Libraries


102B Ionic Framework Libraries

ionicv1 tutorial
102 Ionic Framework Libraries
Local Lib and Cloud Lib
1. In the previous tutorial, http://programming-steps.blogspot.my/2017/06/101-build-phonegap-apps-with-ionic.html  , you may have noticed that the Ionic Startup Templates are available on GitHub and CodePen.
2. You can fork the codes and edit them.
2.1. To fork a GitHub project, click on the fork button located at the top right of the page as shown below.
2.2. To fork a CodePen project, click on fork button located at the top the page near to the Save button as shown below.
3. Both sites are using the same code libraries but different code paths. Refer the screenshot below. GitHub is using local lib path while CodePen is using cloud lib path.
4. The GitHub version is using the local lib path because the repository allows us to upload many file and folders. It is recommended to use your own local copies of the framework's files when building a Cordova/Phonegap hybrid app.
5. The CodePen version is using the cloud lib path because the free version allows only a single file (splitted into three parts ie html, css and js) and thus we need to depend on CDN for the ionic framework filesCDN files are provided for archived versions, online tutorials, demos, examples, etc.
6. In the future, if you plan to compile your CodePen projects, you have to change the setup from cloud lib to local libOtherwise your Ionic apps will not work when the device is offline.
7If you want to copy codes from CodePen to GitHub, select  the codes after the </head> tag only.

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